Shipped Club is a Next.js SaaS boilerplate designed to help founders quickly build and launch their products. Here's a review of its key features and benefits:
Landing Pages: Includes customizable pages for landing, waitlist, pre-sale, and affiliate programs.
Full-stack Development: Built with Next.js, providing a solid foundation for both frontend and backend.
Authentication: Integrates NextAuth and Supabase for user authentication, including magic link and social login options.
Email Integration: Supports email functionality with Loops and MailChimp.
Database ORM: Uses Prisma for database operations.
UI Components: Offers UI kits based on ChakraUI and TailwindCSS.
Payment Processing: Integrates Lemon Squeezy as a Merchant of Record for handling payments and international taxation.
Blog Functionality: Includes a Markdown and MDX-based blog system.
Time-Saving: Promises to save developers significant time in setting up common SaaS features.
Community Support: Provides access to a private Discord community for support.
Customization: Offers composable and customizable components for easy adaptation.
Documentation: Includes detailed documentation for tutorials, features, and deployment guidance.